About Me
- Name: Jesi E.
- Location: Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Born in the desolate city of Amarillo, TX, but raised in Oklahoma City. Graduated high school from the Central Oklahoma Home Schooled Class of 2002. Bounced around colleges until finally settling at the University of Oklahoma studying International Relations and French as an honors student. Spent the last summer in Italy, and the last two semester in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Only three semesters left before graduating.
Previous Posts
- Mes Eleves et Mes Etudiants.
- Le Train.
- As the end nears..
- Northern Lights
- Childhood Struggles Revealed in Art
- Election, Turkey, and Lisa Simpson.
- Les Politiques et Les Femmes
- Thoughts that Come Faster than the Stars in Hypers...
- Lessons Learn From Real French People.
- Est-elle encore vivante?