
The Silence Ends.

I know I have been absent from my posting, and I apologize. I return now as I will be departing for the house of Elizabeth's family, who will drive us to Dallas where we will catch a plane to Rome. Last night me body ached with nervousness and there is nothing more I desire in the world that to simply be there. I will let you know how things go when I get there.


International Studies? At OU?

The President of OU, David Boren has been working hard to strengthen the quality of the International Studies program at OU, as well as creating strong international connections for all students. I just found out that President Boren, and his wife will be joining our group in Rome. There are less that 25 people in our group, so this is a wonderful opportunity for me to meet and talk with him. In a school of 26,000 students, we don't really get the change to hang out with David Boren. In addition, and for me probaby more exciting than meeting President Boren, the U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See in the Vatican City is going to hang out with us on our first evening in Rome. Not to mention that I already knew we are going to be lead around by Kirk Duclaux, who is also connected to the State department and regularly guides dignitaries, the President, ambassadors, etc, throughout Italy.

Studying abroad through OU is going to give me experiences that are irreplacable. I'm so happy that I'm going to school here.