
Election, Turkey, and Lisa Simpson.

I pulled up CNN.com international this morning and regarded the headlines announcing that the U.S. House of Reps was taken by Democrats, and that the Senate might also go as well. I'm not in the least bit surprised. However, I hardly know how to respond to the whole situation. I do not have much faith in the Democratic parties abilities to fix the failures of the Republican party over the last few years. I do not see much inspiration on either side, so I fear that we will continue in this mindless switching back and forth for some time. The Democrats won't fix Iraq. The Democrats won't fix the Medical System. The Democrats won't get to the heart of our immigration issues. So, can the Democrats take the Presidency in 2008? Maybe. It depends on if they fail to fix our problems with flare, then the American public may be compelled to keep a Republican president to keep Congress in check. On the other hand, if they manage to fail to fix our problems without Americans noticing it (which is exactly what Clinton pulled off) then I believe you will find us with a democratic President January of 2009.

I cannot wait to discuss this with some of the Europeans here. I'm wondering if they see this movement as a good thing for the world.

Congratulations to Brad Henry. I think he has done Oklahoma well enough, and though I don't particularly agree with all his policies, I commend his abilities to not mess things up more. I am disgraced that the best Oklahoma has to offer to the House of Representatives is Mary Fallin, but whatever. At least I know that there are a number of Democrats that will keep her ignorant policy making in check. The only good thing I see about this situation is that it does show Oklahomans are willing to let woman have significant positions of power. As to the rest, I don't know enough about your platforms to know if you are good or not. We'll find out, won't we?

My endless fasination with European/Turkish relations has not gone away. The European Union has set a deadline for Turkey to open its ports to Cyprus. If Turkey fails to do so, the EU will cease talks with Turkey about possible Turkish accession to the EU. The Turkish Prime minister claims that he doubts such an end to discussions will happen, but I'm not sure if that means he expects Turkey will comply or if they will try to negotiate their way out of opening their ports to Cyprus.

Today my friend compared me to Lisa Simpson. I nodded my head understandingly, but I'm curious how you all view that comparison. I've seen many episodes of The Simpsons, but not enough to make a fair judgement about that subject.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not liberal enough to be Lisa Simpson.

Mon Nov 13, 05:56:00 PM GMT+1  

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