
Anyone want to add it up?

Gelato: Italy - 1 point.
Ranch dressing: Oklahoma - 1 point.
Toilet Paper at every bathroom 99% of the time: Oklahoma - 5 points.
Alcohol legal to all people over the age of 18: Italy - 2 points.
Really cool old buildings: Italy - 3 points.
Things to do on a Sunday afternoon: Oklahoma - 3 points.
Customer service: Oklahoma - 4 points.
Flat streets: Oklahoma - 2 points.
Practical buses and trains for reasonable prices: Italy - 4 points.
English speaking: Oklahoma - 2 points.
Beautiful toddlers who speak Italian: Italy - 3 points.
Pizza: Italy - 2 points.
Tax included in price: Italy - 3 points.
Free water: Oklahoma - 3 points.
Variety of restaurants: Oklahoma - 3 points.
Likes my electrical devices: Oklahoma - 2 points.
Most people shower every day: Oklahoma - 1 point.
People generally dress well: Oklahoma and Italy - -2 points.
Being able to talk to men without fear of getting molested: Oklahoma - 3 points.
Never doubting your female form is being enjoyed in the eyes of men: Italy - 2 points.
Cappuccino's and Espresso for less than a euro: Italy - 5 points.
Pasteries everywhere: Italy - 4 points.
Tiramasu: Italy - 3 points.
Nutella pizza: Italy - 6 points. (As one of the other girls described it: Sex in your mouth!)
Everyone takes their dogs out with them: Italy - 5 points.
Chips and Salsa: Oklahoma - 4 points.
Cold sodas for cheap: Oklahoma - 2 points.
Availability of photographic opportunities: Oklahoma and Italy: 4 points.
Mountains: Italy - 4 points.
Ethnic variety: Oklahoma - 3 points. (I know! My God, we're the lilly white state of the union.)
Comic vaue of Italian interpretation of American culture: Italy - 3 points. (Last night, we went to see if there were any good American films out. There weren't, but they did have a popocorn station. It was a little square kiosk with four microwaves. It had bucking horses with cowboy's on it that said, "American Popcorn.")

You get the gist.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was gonna call you yesterday, but i figured that either you wouldn't have your phone or it wouldn't work. anyway, happy bday friend! i think oklahoma should get points for being the land of the free and the home of the sooners. +3 points.

Sun Jun 11, 08:17:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Jesi E. said...

Oh, trust me, my friend. It has already occured to me that I doubt France plays live OU football games on TV. What we do to connect with our brother countries...

International Experience: France - Infinite points (It's required for my major.)

Season tickets for OU football: Oklahoma - Infinite Points (I'm getting them for my senior year. Go OU!)

Mon Jun 12, 05:50:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just as a side note, if you get a chance and a fast enough connection, you should head over to youtube and search canadian national anthem. the first hit should be one of the hockey games in edmonton alberta. they know how to sing an anthem up there fa sho.

Tue Jun 13, 01:10:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowing what a Sh!tkicker is - Oklahoma +5 points.

Having a country SHAPED like a Sh!tkicker, and also having your said sh!t kicked during WWII - Italy -10 points.

As far as tax included in the price, you have obviously forgotten that, although it is a convienence, it becomes a hidden tax and the populace is no longer angered by it (Gas tax, tax withholdings)

Fri Jun 16, 09:10:00 PM GMT+2  

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