
Carte d'Etudiant = WiFi!!

Alors, j'ai reçu ma carte d'etudiant aujourd'hui. Il y a WiFi à l'université, mais il est necessaire qu'on a carte d'etudiant avant utiliser l'Internet. Je suis très heureuse d'obtenir la carte.

So, life is getting a little better. I got a banque account here in France so I don't have to keep paying finance charges for all withdrawls I make from the U.S. And it's turned out to have a secondary benefit. My banker is now my second best friend in France. (My first is Stephanie, a french girl who studied at OU, but lives here now who helped us set up our banque accounts, get a téléphone portable, etc.) His name is Paul, and he's my banker. He's fantastically attractive, and he speaks English, which is wonderful since my financial security is dependent on him understanding what I need. But, he still needs a little help with some of the cultural differences. He was explaining to me how the debit cards work, and how I am limited on how much I can withdraw from an ATM a time and he said, "Yes, you know, I do not want you to be like, "Oh, shit" when you can't withdraw..." But see, at this point, me and the other Americans start giggling. He gets all defensive and says, "I know this word, Shit. I also know bullshit, but we do not have this word in French." I didn't have the heart to explain to him the Shit in English is not exceptable in a professional setting, as Merde is exceptable in French in any setting. But he says it all the time now and it makes us laugh every time.

I found out that my money transferred to France at a pretty good rate, so hae more money than I anticipated. So, what do you do with a few extra hundred Euros? Va à un concert de Sufjan Stevens, bébé! That's right. I will be seeing Sufjan Stevens in Stockholm (Sweden, for all you miserable Americans who don't remember European geography. No, Sweden is not famous for its chocolate, neutrality, or watches. That's Switzerland.) There is this wonderful little airline company called Ryanair that flies in Europe with penny flights. Yes, I mean one cent. You have to pay the taxes, but even after taxes I am flying from Paris to Stockholm for less than 30 euros. (The symbol for euros has to be some weird combination on my keyboard, but I can't find it.) In fact, my train to Paris, flight to Stockholm, ticket to the concert, and hostel is all under 100 euro. I'm pretty stoked.

Add to that the fact that I will not be immeadiately returning to Clermont-Ferrand. I will be going to Amsterdam for the Cannabis Cup. ::gasps:: Oh, get over it. At some point, there will be more people who've actually tried pot and know it's not bad than people who haven't tried it and assume it ruins your life. And on that day, we will all meet in a pasteur somewhere, smoke out, and have some Cheetoes. (I should start a facebook group that's called, "I smoke pot and my GPA is better than your's...") It's legal in Amsterdam, so you bet your ass I'm going to be smoking out the whole time. Yes, I will be going to the single most important event of pot smokers on the earth, and try the best pot in the world. It's also great because I'm not going to pay for it. I'm gunna be a little pressed for cash this semester, but Cassidy doesn't want to go by herself, so she's paying for my judges pass to the cup. I would promise to write you about it, but there is a good chance that details will be fuzzy.

I'm trying to escape Clermont this weekend. We'll see how it goes.

Tout à l'heure, mes amis!


Blogger OurayDreamer said...

When is the concert? You told me but I don't remember. I'm glad you now have access to the internet - WiFi. And, I'm happy that you are and will be having fun. Let me know when you get your package. Love you, Mde Terre de l'est

Fri Sep 22, 02:17:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger OurayDreamer said...

Something may be wrong w/blogspot. I posted a comment last Friday - it shows when I go into comments but not on the main page. Oh well.

Tue Sep 26, 01:27:00 PM GMT+2  

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